How to reinvent your business post-crisis


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As the lockdown regulations begin to loosen, and the economy is getting rebuilt, one thing has become clear: The world of work, as we knew, has changed, perhaps forever. So, as the world tries to return to a certain degree of normality, business leaders and entrepreneurs will need to reinvent and rebuild their organization’s practices for post-closure life, and that is not an easy task. After all, reconstruction doesn’t just happen overnight.

We know, many business leaders are experiencing a moment of insecurity with their business, but they need to take it easy, as difficult times demand a positive attitude. In order not to let your business hugely affected by the pandemic, you need to think about the future of business even with the social isolation of your employees and customers.

Now is the time to reinvent yourself and open your mind to new ideas. In this article, we will present you with some ideas and tips which will help you to reinvent your business in these difficult times.

Tips to reinvent your business post-crisis

Adopt e-commerce

If you are running a business that only deals in the physical world, then it’s time to show your online presence. The whole idea behind this concept is – if customers are not able to come to your company, take your products and services to them virtually.

 You can do this through your website, or through online platforms that advertise the products of different companies – partner services or on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp. This way, you can maintain sales, even if your physical store is closed.

However, when adopting this model, it is necessary to take care of specific things: 

  • Prepare inventory and operations to meet these demands – to prevent the customer from asking for the product/service and being frustrated by being unavailable;
  • Keep your employees ready to talk to customers in various sales channels – this is even possible in the home office, with employees serving via WhatsApp, Facebook, and other store channels
  • Offer a delivery service – to make life easier for customers and reach those who are experiencing social isolation
  • Invest in the quality, design, and information of online channels – to convey an image of seriousness and professionalism
  • Build attractive and useful ads – so you can set your store apart from other offers and increase your sales with a relatively low investment.

Prepare your employees

Unfortunately, this situation has affected us all, regardless of race, creed, or social level. So, try to digitize your working procedure by incorporating teleworking as much as possible. Right now, it is very stressful for anyone to be out of a job and go unemployed. Remember that your employees are representatives of your business and the engine that drives your operations. Thus, your empathy will be essential for your employees during this tough situation. 

Evaluate their capabilities and determine how to re-invent their positions so that they can do their jobs online. If you show empathy to your employees, instead of firing them, they will remain more committed to your company.

Take care of your clients

Many companies in the tourism sector that has been so affected have relaxed their customers’ conditions without charging penalties and allowing them to use their flights, hotels, or tour packages later. This same thinking can be applied to other segments such as reducing the offer of products, or services, to focus on those that contribute to the company’s survival. Faced with uncertainty, people want to know what your next plans are. Give them peace of mind and think best for them. 

Being a business leader, you need to know the behavior of your client, understanding what will change from now on to make quick adaptations in the way of delivering value through products and services. And, another, most important question you need to ask yourselves at this moment is not “How can you sell more?” But “How can you support your clients in this situation?” Focusing and pushing sales right now won’t help to strengthen your brand rather it can affect it

Closing Thoughts

As a challenging moment like this, only with creativity and courage, it is possible to come out of the crisis even stronger, while keeping your business running. 

Fortunately, technology offers a series of facilities – remote work, contact with other entrepreneurs to form partnerships, special tools, and new channels of dissemination – that will help you maintain sales and expand your customer base. Entrepreneurs must take advantage of these possibilities and their network of contacts to implement new business practices and make their businesses survive during the crisis.

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