Abu Dhabi’s Crackdown on Dissent: Harsh Sentences for 57 Bangladeshis Following Protests


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Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal Sentences for 57 Bangladeshis

In a significant legal decision, the Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal has sentenced 57 Bangladeshi nationals for their involvement in protests in the UAE. The court’s ruling is a stern reminder of the UAE’s strict laws against public demonstrations and civil unrest. This article delves into the details of the case, the court’s verdict, and its implications.

The Incident: A Brief Overview

The legal proceedings stemmed from a series of protests that took place in the UAE, involving a large group of Bangladeshi nationals. These protests, which called for demonstrations and incited riots, led to severe legal consequences for those involved.

Court Verdict and Sentences

Life Imprisonment for Three Individuals

Three of the accused received life sentences. These individuals were found guilty of not only participating in the protests but also of calling for demonstrations and inciting riots. The court deemed their actions as severe threats to public order and security.

Ten-Year Sentences for Fifty-Three Defendants

A significant portion of the group, 53 defendants, were handed ten-year prison terms. These individuals were involved in the protests to varying degrees, contributing to the overall unrest and disruption of public security.

Eleven-Year Sentence for Illegal Entry

One individual received an eleven-year prison term. This defendant was convicted of illegal entry into the UAE and active participation in the riots, which compounded their offenses in the eyes of the court.

Additional Legal Actions

Deportation Orders

In addition to their prison sentences, all 57 defendants were ordered to be deported from the UAE upon completion of their sentences. This decision underscores the UAE’s zero-tolerance policy towards foreign nationals who engage in activities that threaten public security.

Confiscation of Seized Devices

The court also ordered the confiscation of all devices seized from the defendants. This move aims to prevent any further dissemination of materials that could incite unrest or protests.

Investigation and Evidence

Attorney-General’s Immediate Investigation

UAE Attorney-General Hamad Saif Al Shamsi ordered an immediate investigation into the activities of the arrested Bangladeshi nationals. The swift action highlights the UAE’s proactive approach to maintaining public order and security.

Gathering and Inciting Unrest

The investigation confirmed that the defendants were involved in organizing gatherings, inciting unrest, and disrupting public security. The evidence presented in court painted a clear picture of their active participation in promoting such activities.

Sufficient Evidence of Guilt

The court found ample evidence to convict the defendants. This included digital communications, witness testimonies, and other materials that clearly linked them to the organization and execution of the protests.

Implications of the Verdict

Message to Foreign Nationals

The verdict sends a strong message to foreign nationals residing in the UAE. It underscores the importance of adhering to the country’s laws and the severe consequences of engaging in activities that threaten public order.

Maintaining Public Security

The court’s decision also reinforces the UAE’s commitment to maintaining public security. By handing down strict sentences, the authorities aim to deter similar activities in the future and ensure a stable and secure environment for all residents.

The sentencing of 57 Bangladeshi nationals by the Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal is a landmark decision in the UAE’s legal landscape. It highlights the country’s strict stance on public demonstrations and civil unrest, particularly when it involves foreign nationals. The severe sentences, coupled with deportation orders and confiscation of devices, serve as a powerful deterrent against such activities in the future.

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