Tips for entrepreneurs for delegating effectively


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While starting a business, all entrepreneurs assume various responsibilities and roles. And, to prove themselves best in this competitive world, many entrepreneurs get saturated with the commitments or the activities that they do not like. But, what many new entrepreneurs do not know is to grow the business, it is essential to delegate functions to your work team. Delegating is one of the best-kept secrets of successful entrepreneurs.

Why it’s important to delegate activities

Taking personal charge of everything that is done in your company is only justified when you don’t have a team. If not, it is a waste of time. You cannot be aware of all the details and, at the same time, be informed of managing the business. This will lead to loss of money, an increase in anxiety and, consumes time, which is one of the most valuable and scarce resources you have. As a result, you will end up missing opportunities. For this reason, delegating some activities to other team members is a responsibility that you must assume as a leader.

However, not all entrepreneurs are capable of delegating because delegating means sharing responsibilities, providing someone else with one of your tasks or commitments, and letting that person decide how to do it. And, many people fear delegating because they feel they will lose control over what they delegate. 

Delegating does not mean losing control over the tasks that you entrust to others. But, by having more time, you can get a better idea of ​​your set, you can see new opportunities, or can detect possible dangers in time and develop new concepts that can increase efficiency.

How to delegate tasks with excellence

Many leaders wonder if there are any techniques present for delegating the tasks in the best way. And, the truth is, there is no such magic recipe available. However, there are effective methods that help in the process of distributing tasks at work that will make people responsible and self-manage about the activity demanded. Check out some of them below:

Provide keys and resources to carry out the project

To delegate effectively, a good leader always provides resources, examples or references that can serve as support in the process of carrying out a task, if not, the ideal would be, at a minimum, indicate where to find these resources. 

Besides, it is highly recommendable to report on certain key aspects, such as, what are your expectations, how to approach it so that its development is more effective, or concerns of the client about the final result of the project. 

And, if possible, explain why the decision to delegate a project was made, or why it is a priority for the company! This will also help your collaborators to look at their assignments with a broader and more informative picture.

Target motivated and competent people

This involves selecting the most relevant profile for the task at hand, identifying a trusted employee to whom to delegate. It is not just a question of efficiency or entrusting any mission to just anyone.  It is about promoting interactions within the group so that collective intelligence takes over.  Thus, trust your employees more often, and they will surprise you! You must be surrounded yourself with collaborators with different and complementary skills. Make an inventory, a list of everyone’s skills. Above all, do not limit yourself to the only skills, for which the profile was hired, explore their potential.

Delegate meaningful work

Another of the most common mistakes in companies is seeing executives delegate irrelevant tasks that no one wants to do. Smart and effective leaders do things differently. They delegate meaningful tasks in order to coach their teams. 

Sydney Finkelstein, author of the book Super Bosses, says something quite true about great leaders: “Super bosses can push their trusted workers steadily and quickly, because they are the ones who have always been delegated tasks. By doing this, super bosses give up a degree of authority and oversight that would make many ordinary executives cringe to do so.”

 An effective leader delegates tasks that are significantly important to them and also makes workers know how important they are. When the worker is commissioned to perform that meaningful task, they will feel the confidence that is being given to them. They tend to feel that they have the power and courage to execute it. If this type of delegation is frequent, the worker is encouraged to identify with the company; eventually he could feel more like a partner than a subordinate. Now imagine what the level of productivity would be if all workers performed their functions as if they were partners in the company.


Delegating effectively and consistently can be a very challenging task for a leader. However, it is also the most beneficial. It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned businessman, a business professional, or an entrepreneur, you should seek to improve your leadership by enhancing your skills to delegate.

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