In a shocking series of events, hundreds of pagers belonging to Hezbollah members explode across Lebanon on Tuesday, resulting in significant casualties and widespread panic. The explosions, which occurred...
Fadwa AlBawardi, Founder and CEO, Fadwa Saad Abdulrahman AlBawardi Consulting Office
As Michelle Obama once rightfully quoted, “There is no limit to what we, as...
Denis Sorin, President, Amsa Hospitality
Culture is crucial in any nation’s hospitality, and this is especially true in Saudi Arabia, a country with thousands of...
Mohammed AI Sabeeh, Founder & CEO, Marn
Effective leaders are known to solve problems. They have the ability and skills to anticipate, identify, solve, and...
Mohamed Abbas, Founder, Wafy
Brimming with soaring mountains, sublime deserts, magnificent coral reefs, and glitzy sand beaches, Saudi Arabia is home to breathtaking natural wonders....